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Exclusive London double-decker bus and cruise with VIP Stonehenge tour

Kansainvälisiä elämyksiä : Iso-Britannia


  • Hinta 80,51 €
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Exclusive London double-decker bus and cruise with VIP Stonehenge tour
Exclusive London double-decker bus and cruise with VIP Stonehenge tour

Exclusive London double-decker bus and cruise with VIP Stonehenge tour:  

What better way to enjoy the highlights of London than on-board a vintage 1950s Routemaster bus with a live professional guide? Enjoy great views of the capital’s iconic sights, both old and new, including Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square, St. Paul’s Cathedral, London Bridge, The Shard, Tower Bridge & the London Eye. This tour includes a photo stop at Westminster Abbey, the burial place of Britain’s monarchs and host for coronations and many royal weddings since its construction in the eleventh century. Outside Buckingham Palace –– the official Royal residence of Her Majesty the Queen –– you'll make your way to the perfect spot to watch the world famous Changing of the Guard ceremony as the Queen's soldiers, dressed in their fabulous tunics and busbies march to military music. This is followed by a private river trip past Shakespeare’s Globe, Cleopatra’s Needle, London Bridge, The Shard and Tower Bridge, allowing you to marvel at the Tower of London in comfort. Following an hour's free lunchtime in Victoria, you'll then board a luxury air-conditioned coach and head for the most famous prehistoric monument in the world. Stonehenge stands alone as a world heritage site in the vast empty tract of Salisbury plain. Come and unlock the secrets for yourself and marvel at this remarkable and mysterious feat of ancient engineering and design.

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Exclusive London double-decker bus and cruise with VIP Stonehenge tour:

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Exclusive London double-decker bus and cruise with VIP Stonehenge tour: Saatavuus


Exclusive London double-decker bus and cruise with VIP Stonehenge tour: Mielenkiintoiset faktat

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  • Hinta 80,51 €
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