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Gourmet Dinner with the Bustronome in Paris

Kansainvälisiä elämyksiä : Ranska


  • Hinta 133,25 €
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Gourmet Dinner with the Bustronome in Paris
Gourmet Dinner with the Bustronome in Paris

Gourmet Dinner with the Bustronome in Paris:  

Travel with The Bustronome restaurant to enjoy a gourmet food and amazing views of Paris. This original and unique tour combines an enjoyable excursion, passing by the iconic monuments of Paris while discovering and tasting a flavourful French cuisine.The BUSTRONOME is a high-end double decker bus that stands out in particular for its panoramic glass roof. It drives its passengers into the Parisian atmosphere in the best conditions whatever the season.You will be delighted and surprised by the inventive cuisine, developed by great French Chefs, and made with seasonal and fresh products. At dinner, the menu is composed of 6 dishes paired with wine.With the audio commentaries, provided by the audiopen in 8 languages, you will have specific insights on the most famous monuments in Paris such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Opéra Garnier,...Get on board of the Bustronome and let you drive throughout the main avenues of the City of Light, one of the most beautiful city in world.

Koodi : MTX10041593

Gourmet Dinner with the Bustronome in Paris:

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Gourmet Dinner with the Bustronome in Paris: Saatavuus


Gourmet Dinner with the Bustronome in Paris: Mielenkiintoiset faktat

Gourmet Dinner with the Bustronome in Paris: Ei varma vielä

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  • Hinta 133,25 €
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