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Toledo and the Royal Site of Aranjuez

Kansainvälisiä elämyksiä : Espanja


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Toledo and the Royal Site of Aranjuez
Toledo and the Royal Site of Aranjuez
Toledo and the Royal Site of Aranjuez
Toledo and the Royal Site of Aranjuez
Toledo and the Royal Site of Aranjuez
Toledo and the Royal Site of Aranjuez

Toledo and the Royal Site of Aranjuez:  

Discover the “City of the Three Cultures”. Located 70 km away from Madrid is Toledo, a beautiful city-museum declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It is one of the oldest towns in Europe and has a great artistic beauty and buildings from almost all periods in history (Arabian, Gothic, Mudéjar, Renaissance and Baroque style). Toledo is called the “City of the Three Cultures”, since Christians, Muslims and Jews lived together. In the XVI century, it was also home to the great painter El Greco.The tour includes the outside view of the Cathedral; Church of St. Tomé with El Entierro del señor de Orgaz, masterpiece of El Greco; Synagogue of Santa María la Blanca; Monastery of San Juan de los Reyes; demonstration of the famous technique of damascene (incrustation of precious metals in steel) and Panoramic Sightseeing of Toledo.Once the tour is over, you will return to Madrid.Royal Site of the Crown of Spain to 46 km south of Madrid, situated in a fertile valley on the banks of the River Tagus (Tajo), known for its Royal Palace, its numerous gardens and for have been the inspiration to the composer Joaquin Rodrigo to create the Concert of Aranjuez. UNESCO declared Aranjuez Cultural Landscape a World Heritage Site in 2001.The Royal Palace, where we will appreciate the variety of decorative styles and emphasizing the China Chamber Porcelain and the Throne Room of Elizabeth II, The Prince's Gardens, the Parterre and the Island is characterized by great variety of vegetation and tree species.The Museum of Royal Feluccas (a type of long and narrow light boats, used in ports and rivers) was built in 1966 and exhibits the boats used by the royal family to navigate the Tagus River.
These include a gondola belonging to Philip (although the ship actually dates back to the reign of Charles II) and the boats of Charles IV, Ferdinand VII and Elizabeth II.

Koodi : MTX10041651

Toledo and the Royal Site of Aranjuez:

View Locations

Toledo and the Royal Site of Aranjuez: Saatavuus


Toledo and the Royal Site of Aranjuez: Mielenkiintoiset faktat

Toledo and the Royal Site of Aranjuez: Ei varma vielä

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  • Hinta 108,65 €
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